With outdoor gear, it’s common to think that performance and sustainability are mutually exclusive, or that in order to have one, you must compromise the other. It’s a stigma that persists but is no longer true.
Patagonia’s Super Free Alpine Jacket is a case in point. It uses a GORE-TEX membrane, but one that’s been developed by GORE-TEX and Patagonia in a decade-long project.
The result is GORE-TEX ePE (expanded polyethylene), which offers the same durable waterproofing, reliable breathability, and total windproofing as GORE-TEX's ‘traditional’ membrane, but does away with PFCs.
More on GORE-TEX ePE

We’ve used several garments employing GORE-TEX ePE and the performance and durability is just as impressive as GORE-TEX you know and love.
The only difference we’ve noticed is that ePE is marginally lighter and thinner than GORE-TEX's staple ePTFE membrane. GORE-TEX ePE has been 10 years in the making, and it really shows.
What you need to know about the Patagonia Super Free Alpine Jacket

Featuring a 3-layer construction and a regular fit, the Super Free Alpine Jacket is intended for alpinism and technical hikes.
It carries a number of practical details to make it excel in demanding mountain conditions. These include two-way pit zips; a lightly insulated, helmet compatible hood; high positioned handwarmer pockets that aren’t blocked by harnesses; and RECCO reflector.

There are a few more clever touches such as the cuffs with internal gaskets. Essentially, these keep the sleeves in place when swinging an ice axe for example.
Beyond GORE-TEX ePE, Patagonia has made the Super Free Alpine Jacket even more sustainable by using recycled materials. Both the primary nylon fabric and polyester hood insulation are 100% recycled. And crucially, this jacket is also produced in a Fair Trade Certified factory.
With high-end performance and features in addition to very strong sustainability credentials, the Patagonia Super Free Alpine Jacket is the ideal mountain shell jacket that many avid hikers and climbers yearn for. It keeps you protected from the harsh alpine elements while having a low impact on the planet.
Patagonia Super Free Alpine Jacket at a glance
Price: £540
Weight: 420g
Fabrics: PFC-free, recycled, and bluesign-approved 40D nylon GORE-TEX ePE ; recycled polyester PlumaFill hood insulation
Men's sizes: XS - XL
Women's sizes: XS - XL
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