Nikwax has been making waterproofing treatments for outdoor gear since 1977, when founder Nick Brown invented a wax to waterproof his leather walking boots as he was not satisfied with the performance of the products around at the time.
From the Royal Geographical Society’s Karakoram Expedition in 1980, to modern-day climate change researchers in the Arctic and the Antarctic, explorers have been enhancing their gear, extending its life and staying dry, by looking after it with Nikwax Waterproofing products.
Arctic explorer and photographer Marin Hartley has trusted Nikwax to help keep him dry and warm since he was a boy:
I have been using Nikwax ever since I first set out in the hills. I can remember putting old newspaper on the kitchen table then opening a tin of Nikwax and putting it onto my boots, all in anticipation, excitement and preparation for an adventure to the Yorkshire Dales, the Lake District or in my very own boggy back yard in the fells of East Lancashire... that was when I started my journey over 40 years ago and still to this day I use Nikwax treatments for all my clothes and boots.
Martin Hartley, Arctic explorer and photographer

But it’s not just professional explorers who trust Nikwax to care for their gear. People who love the outdoors appreciate that caring for your outdoor gear makes it perform better and last longer, saving you money in the long run.
Nikwax has always had the love of the outdoors and care for the environment at its heart. All Nikwax products are water-based and made using environmentally responsible chemistry, with no PFCs. In addition, Nikwax bottles are made from 100% recycled and recyclable plastic.

Stay Clean, Stay Dry
Staying dry whilst outdoors is simple and cleaning is key. However, many people don’t know that normal laundry detergents can damage the DWR or leave a water attracting residue. If you don't clean your waterproof properly then it will start to 'wet out' in rainy conditions leaving you cold, damp and uncomfortable.
TheNikwax Tech Wash® and TX.Direct® system has been proven to keep people drier than other leading waterproofing systems. It is the best performing care system for waterproof clothing, safely cleaning and restoring DWR at home in a washing machine - all without the use of PFCs, aerosols or harmful solvents.
Tim Pickering, Director of Product at Nikwax said: " Nikwax has always led the way on PFC-free, environmentally sound chemistry in the outdoor industry, and we continue to prove that products can be high performance, with a low environmental impact. We're really pleased to demonstrate the meaningful, measurable, verifiable benefits of choosing Nikwax to restore waterproof gear.”

Don't treat your waterproof gear to anything less than the best
Nikwax Tech Wash® has been independently proven to be the best performing product for cleaning waterproof gear in a washing machine. It is the only product demonstrated to provide exceptional cleaning performance whilst maintaining 100% of the Durable Water Repellency (DWR). DWR is the waterproof coating that is applied to new waterproof jackets.
Over time, DWR begins to fail and wear off due to dirt and abrasion. This causes jackets to get wet, feel heavy and lose breathability, as water vapour cannot escape. If water vapour cannot escape, a build-up of condensation can occur and this will make the wearer feel clammy and cold.
DWR and breathability are key to maintaining the performance and comfort of all outdoor gear and using Nikwax Tech Wash® will ensure your gear performs at its best for longer, keeping you warmer and drier.
Getting cold and wet in your waterproof jacket? Restore it with the best
Nikwax TX.Direct® has also been independently proven to be the best performing, PFC-free product for adding DWR across a range of outdoor performance fabrics.
Nikwax TX.Direct® will bring a jacket back to its original waterproof performance, whilst revitalising breathability. This means you stay warmer, drier and more comfortable. Gear treated with TX.Direct® maintained performance longer than any of the other six leading waterproofing brands it was tested against as part of an independent test. It can be cleaned more often with Nikwax Tech Wash® before retreatment is required, saving you time and money.
Unbeatable cleaning and waterproofing in a washing machine.