The final shortlist for Trail magazine’s 2021 UK Mountain Photo of the Year competition has been whittled down to just 15 stunning images – and voting is now open.
We’re giving you the chance to vote online for the image you think should win Mountain Photo of the Year. The public vote will count as one of the six final votes alongside our five judges.
Pick your winner online today at****!
Meet the other judges
Meet the other judges

Tom Bailey
Trail's long-serving photographer has probably captured every mountain in Britain, and specialises in documenting people's experiences in the outdoors.

Chris Upton
Chris' passion for photography started with a love of the British mountains. He is now an award-winning landscape and travel photographer, and a Fujifilm ambassador.

Louise Parker
After more than 20 years as Trail's design supremo, Lou knows everything there is to know about what makes a cracking mountain image with instant impact.

Nadir Khan
An acclaimed adventure sports photographer and filmmaker who specialises in mountains, Nadir is inspired by "great light, dramatic clouds, landscape, and cool action".

Nimsdai Purja
Nims made history by leading the first ever team up K2 in winter last year, and climbed all 14 of the world's 8000m peaks in 6 months. He knows more than most about awesome mountain scenery.
Pick your winner online today at****!