Spring is within our grasp! After the most challenging winter many of us have experienced in years, the prospect of longer, warmer days is like a glimmering beacon of hope in the middle distance. We're even daring to dream of longer, warmer walks, free from the preoccupations of winter layering and short hours of daylight.
This is the time of year where we kick into gear, starting to make actual, real-life plans for the ideas we had in the winter haze. And this year, komoot has even more ways for you to get inspired.
Komoot lets you find, plan and share your walks. And with the brand new Tour recommendations feature, the finding part is easier than ever. Planning a route from scratch is all past of the fun, but sometimes a nudge in the right direction goes a long way: a little inspiration, some ideas for what's possible out there.
Now, in addition to getting excited about recommended Highlights on the map, and browsing your feed for cool Tours your friends and fellow adventurers have been on, you can also see Tour recommendations that have been pooled from the whole community, in one place.

So how exactly do komoot Tour recommendations work?
Find ready-made Tours
Using the Tour recommendations feature, located at the top of the komoot Discover feed, and inspirational route Guides, you can now search thousands of routes across the UK. Filter them by activity, duration and difficulty to find a Tour that inspires you to get out there.
Adventure inspiration on your doorstep
When using the mobile app to find Tours and Highlights near you, komoot automatically adjusts the results to start at your location. If you want to find Tours in a wider search area, or see a larger variety of Tour options, you can zoom out of the map, or enter a specific location in the search bar.
Smart technology that does the hard work for you
There are hundreds of thousands of UK Tours and Highlights on komoot, and millions across the world! Instead of leaving you to find the good ones on your own, komoot's smart technology finds the best trails and paths, and shows walking Highlights near you to create walking route suggestions based on what the community has been up to.

Komoot ambassador Sian Lewis loves using the app to get off the beaten track

"I've been using the komoot app for two years now. It's fantastic for finding new routes and trails. It's so easy to open the app and use the Discover tool to see what routes others have recommended near me.
"If I'm heading somewhere new, I always check for Tours recommended by komoot and save them to follow later. komoot users also highlight their favourite spots along a route; highlights can be anything from an amazing view to a cosy pub. They're those things that make a walk special, and I'd probably miss them without the komoot community's input.
"komoot has been so useful during the pandemic, when I've mostly been confined to local walks. Thanks to the komoot community I've discovered wonderful walking routes straight from my doorstep that I never knew existed.
"It has made a big difference to life during lockdown, but also given me a new appreciation of the area I live in, which will stay with me even when we've got a bit more of our freedom back."
Sian Lewisis a writer, blogger and lover of adventures big and small - especially if they involve wild camping and wild swimming. Find out more at_thegirloutdoors.co.uk_and follow Sian's adventures on komoot here.

Ready for a springtime adventure?
Komoot's new Tour recommendations feature is full of ideas for your spring and summer adventures - and the best news is, the more you and your fellow walkers use it, the better it gets!
Click here to redeem your FREE regional bundle using voucher code LFTO.
Valid only for new komoot users only, redeemable until 31st December 2021.