Come on, let’s be candid – how many of us can tell at a glance the difference between loose rock, scree, an outcrop and a vertical cliff face? Get them wrong and you can end up falling instead of scrambling down the mountain side.
For some people, simply studying the legend of a map (the list of features detailed, usually on the right hand side of OS Landranger & Explorer maps) is enough. For others, a more interactive approach is required
Grab and pen and paper and write down the names of the features you think are difficult to remember on the left hand side of your paper. Next to them, copy, the illustrations of these features from the legend of your map. Cover the left side of your paper with the explanations and test yourself by namingeach of the features you have drawn; you’ll be surprised how easy it becomes to commit these features to memory.

OS Landranger (1:50,000) legend. Click to download.

OS Explorer (1:25,000) legend. Click to download.

OS Landranger (1:50,000) flashcards.Click to download.

OS Explorer (1:25,000) flashcards. Click to download.